Category Archives: prints


I found this ABSOLUT vodka bottle in the store the other day and had to have it! ABSOLUT makes a lot of different and fun designs for their bottles and I really like this idea with ‘one of a million uniquely designed’ ones. Look at the video below for how they do it.

absolut vodka unique

absolut vodka unique

Some of the other 4 million bottles:


They “set up splash guns and color-generating machines, and developed an algorithm that places individual patterns on top of a specially-applied coat of paint, allowing for a nearly endless sequence of combinations from 35 colors and 51 patterns”.

Seems like a fun project to be part of

videos from 


Gunnar Broman and Hans Brindfors designed the original ABSOLUT bottle in 1979.  Since then, it has become an extremely well-known design. Many creators have made their mark on it, starting with Andy Warhol painting the first art ad for ABSOLUT, and continued by artists such as Keith Haring, Damien Hirst and Louise Bourgeois.

Absolut Warhol


Apparently, the entire collection is now gathered in Sweden where it will get its permanent home at the new Historical Museum of Wine and Spirits!


I also like this design, by Dave Kinsey



mmm and I really want to try this one with hibiscus and pomegranate flavour…

100 cl packshot


look, another pomegranate in the background 🙂

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Filed under advertising, art, design, prints

British textile design – my monthly dose of knowledge

I have this V&A calendar at home that is both filled with beautiful pictures and some great information. Every month I learn something new about British textile design =)

British textile design calendar from V&A

Calendar from V&A


My V&A calendar

My calendar by the kitchen window


This month has this pattern called Urne from Pansa Studios and you can read about the design below.

Urne by Pansa Studios for Sanderson Fabrics

Urne by Pansa Studios for Sanderson Fabrics


Urne by Pansa Studios

Urne by Pansa Studios



January and Fabruary had these two

Viterbo by Walter Matysiak for Sanderson Fabrics

Viterbo by Walter Matysiak for Sanderson Fabrics


Viterbo by Walter Matysiak for Sanderson Fabrics

January – Viterbo by Walter Matysiak


Pheasant by Gayonnes Ltd

Pheasant by Gayonnes Ltd


Pheasant by Gayonnes Ltd

February – Pheasant by Gayonnes



From now on I will share this little textile design knowledge with you on the blog in the beginning of each month!


Filed under design, prints

christmas shopping

I’ve been out Christmas shopping with my friend Nadia. At the Scandinavian design store Republic of Fritz Hansen, we got into the Christmas spirit as they had a beautiful tree and lots of decorations..

IMG_1988  IMG_1989

we also found these beautiful retro Christmas cards!

IMG_1987   IMG_2001

they’re from a brand called ‘pleased to meet’


In the same store, we also saw these glögg (mulled wine) glasses from iittala. Perfect for the Christmas party!


(just checked iittala’s website and they have sooo many nice things, some very red and christmassy..)


We also went to the book shop and found some Fitzgerald books with absolutely amazing covers

IMG_2024  IMG_2025  IMG_2026


Although I already have the great gatsby I just had to get the black and green one above. Too beautiful not to have. And I really want the other ones too… (christmas gift hint hint)

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Filed under accessories, christmas, design, interior design, prints